Taylor "la Loca" Swift.

"It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me".
"Anti-Hero" letra y música de Taylor Swift, 2022

Recientemente he estado leyendo mucho a Virginia Woolf y Sylvia Plath y me han hecho pensar más en Taylor Swift (claro, mis amigos dirían que no hay nada raro en eso, tengo algunas de sus letras tatuadas en mi piel). Pero lo que he notado ahora es la forma en que Swift decidió adelantarse a sus críticos (empoderados por una misoginia innegable) al autonombrarse como "loca" y apropiarse de la etiqueta que ha sido empleada para minimizar, abusar y hasta quemar a las mujeres desde que comenzó el mundo.

A continuación, una recopilación de todos los momentos (hasta ahora) en que Swift habla de locura, la suya y la de otras mujeres, en la letra de sus canciones:

"She went a little crazy, ran her mouth about me."
- "Best Days of Your Life" 2008

"'Cause I’m so mad I might tell you that it’s over."
- "The Other Side of the Door" 2008

"We were seventeen and crazy, running wild, wild"
- "Red" 2012

"You think that it’s funny when I’m mad, mad, mad"
"No one else is gonna love me when I get mad, mad, mad"
- "Stay Stay Stay" 2012

"This mad, mad love makes you come running"
- "I Wish You Would" 2014

"Now we got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love"
- "Bad Blood" 2014

"And in the end in Wonderland, we both went mad"
- "Wonderland" 2014

"Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy"
- "End Game" 2017

"Don’t blame me, love made me crazy"
- "Don't Blame Me" 2017

"We were crazy to think, crazy to think that this could work"
- "False God" 2019

"They paint me out to be bad, so it’s okay that I’m mad"
- "The Man" 2019

"You know I adore you, I’m crazier for you than I was at sixteen"
- "Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Dream" 2019

" Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy"
"There’s nothing like a mad woman, what a shame she went mad"
- "mad woman" 2020

"There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen"
"Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits"
- "the last great american dynasty" 2020

"'This dorm was once a madhouse,' I made a joke, 'Well, it’s made for me'"
- "champagne problems" 2021

"When my depression works the graveyard shift
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room"
"It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me"
- "Anti-Hero" 2022


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